Blog tool

Posted on February 15th, 2006.

Which tools do you use to post to blogs? Do most of you use the interface provided by your blog software?
I followed Yaniv’s recommendation and tried Flock. 5 minutes later I uninstalled it.. Later I installed it again and gave it another try. It’s actually ok. I really like the Tags interface that adds Technorati tags (see at the end of the post) and the fact that it integrates nicely with WordPress. But I find it irritating to open a web browser, then select Tools->Blog Editor to write my posts. It also doesn’t have an option to save posts locally before posting to the server (Yeah, I know it can save as draft on the server, but it’s slower than saving locally).

I also tried SharpMT. It has a very simple interface that allows me to write my posts, save them locally and later post them to my blog. It’s integration with WordPress is not as nice as Flock’s but it does the job. It doesn’t give you such a nice interface for Tags but you can write plugins for it to do that.

Technorati: ,,,,,

In fact, See this list above? It was created by a plugin i’ve written in 5 minutes. I just enter a bunch of comma separated tags and it creates the code for technorati tags. Compare it with the list below that was created by Flock.

I’m now trying to convince the author to extend the plugin interface so my tags interface would be more useful. He’s very responsive and seems like he might help..

technorati tags: , , , , ,

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Shortly after the release of FireFox 1.5 I uninstalled Flock and switched to plain vanila FireFox ,which was way more stable.

Currently I am using the Zoundry Blog Writer, the Performancing extension for FireFox. Zoundry is cool, but it doesn’t allow direct HTML editing, which is sometimes necessary. Performancing is cool too, but it doesn’t allow saving drafts.

Sometime it gets really bad. A week ago I found myself editing posts by editing the WordPress database using a web inteface to MySQL. Bahhh.

Still searching for that perfect desktop blogging tool. I’ll take a look at SharpMT.

Yaniv Golan
February 15th, 2006

I also bumped into RocketPost which seems really nice in the demo. Didn’t try it yet tough..

February 15th, 2006

I did at Technorati search on Flock, which I just heard of, and found your post. It sounds like it’ll become a useful tool for bloggers. I use MovableType, so I’ll have to see how they integrate. Thanks.

February 16th, 2006

I also use Zoundry Blog Writer, which is good most of the time (if you don’t need no fancy shmancy HTML editing stuff).

If you do need them and you are using WordPress 2.0, I suggest disabling the new Editor, going back to the previous one and working with it.

The new one is kinda like using Zoundry.

Eran Sandler
March 6th, 2006

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